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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Three Easy Ways to Save Money and Trees!

Short on Cash? Three Ways to Trash Fewer Trees and Save Money!

Updated Feb.1,2024. 23 Shevat 5784
There is a First Nations saying that is very true- take care of the earth and it will take care of you. Last week was the 15th of Shevat also known as Tu BiShvat. TuBiShvat is known as the New Year for Trees, when many Torah observant families around the world plant trees and celebrate with gratitude the wonderful foods that come from trees. I had intended to try to plant some fruit trees from seeds I had saved, but I was under the weather.
So this is abit of a late Tu BiShvat post dedicated to trees.

 I have been through some pretty tough times, over the past few years, just like some of you, and I have discovered that there are all kinds of things that I previously bought that I thought were absolute necessities, but I was able to cut out. This post has three things I used to buy a lot more and had to stop buying out of necessity. Not buying these things may have cut down on the number of trees being forested too. Perhaps you will look at my list and think- oh, this is nothing new, I did that ages ago. On the other hand , you may think- man , I think she may have gone over the brink!
This post also has a bit of a bonus too - an online daily habit I've changed that has helped me easily plant a few trees. Now - THAT might be new to you! 

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Save Money By Saving Trees These Three Ways

The content provided in this blog is information to help users become financially literate. It is neither tax nor legal advice. For heaven's sake, I am not a professional. Anyway, never rely on the advice of only one person or source. Even if you think that source is God Almighty himself- do like Gideon and at least double-check even that!